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‘They saved my life’ from alcohol abuse
A few years ago, Susan Banoski didn’t care if she lived or died. A homemaker married to her husband for 30 years, Mrs. Banoski’s life was forever changed when he died four years ago. Distraught by her husband’s death, she went into a downward spiral. “I started using drugs and alcohol,” the 57-year-old said. Reeling….
‘Minimum price’ demand on alcohol
The availability of cheap alcohol has led to calls for minimum prices in Wales to change the drinking culture. Brian Gibbons, Wales’ social affairs minister, says he wants to see alcohol strength taken into account in pricing. Scottish ministers are preparing laws on minimum pricing, and Dr Gibbons has discussed the issue with them, although….
Older Drinkers: Timebomb For Carers, Health Services
A report Alcohol and Older People: A Review of issues and responses by researchers at the University of the West of England, investigating the implications for care provision for older people with alcohol problems, has identified that health care practitioners and alcohol services are likely to need to move up a gear to cope with….
Cabbie reveals binge-drinking nightmare
Adelaide cabbie Avel Aretas reveals in this graphic account our city’s binge drinking nightmare: Adelaide is the Festival City, but there is one event we should not be proud of – the Adelaide Binge Drinking Festival. It is held every Friday and Saturday night and doesn’t discriminate, involving everyone from 12-year-olds to 60-year-olds, from the….
Alcohol intervention group looks to change party culture

After taking a writing course on public health and seeing the dangers of alcohol firsthand, senior microbiology major Jonathan Higgins decided the college “party culture” needed to be changed. That’s when he learned of a program that aimed to change culture and educate people about the dangers of alcohol consumption. Student Emergency Medical Services began….