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5 Dangers Associated with Teenagers and Alcohol Abuse

teen binge drinking consequences

About Teenagers and Alcohol Abuse According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, approximately 10.4 million people between the age of 12 and 20 had tried alcohol by age 15, and at least fifty percent of teenagers have had at least one full drink. Furthermore, by age 18, more than 70% of teens….

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A safe place for homeless alcoholics to do their drinking?

The head of an Austin organization working on homelessness included this caveat when she sent me her group’s thought-provoking new study on homelessness and alcoholism: “These concepts, unfortunately, could easily end up as fodder for those interested in ‘shock-jock’ type of reporting,” Helen Varty, executive director of Front Steps, said in her e-mail. “That is….

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Reducing blood alcohol limit to 0.02 won’t stop car crashes, say experts

THE Queensland Government’s proposal to see the alcohol limit cut to 0.02 across Australia has been labelled as “nonsense” by alcohol and accident experts. Motoring groups, police, accident research centres and hotelliers all rejected moves to slash the drink-driving limit outlined in a Queensland Government discussion paper released yesterday, arguing it would make little difference….

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The lifestyle of the people around the globe is changing rapidly. Life has become very fast paced. Every individual faces many challenges at work place, socially and at relation with family and friends. Naturally, tension and pressure is overloading the life of an individual.   People think that the easiest and the most enjoyable way of….

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Drug abuse

Drug abuse involves the repeated and excessive use of drugs. Drug abuse today is a major cause for concern and has evil effect on society. Teens constitute a large segment of drug abusers, adults also surrender to drug abuse. Middle-aged people are more prone to abuse prescription drugs. The drug addiction affects the brain and….

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