United Treatment and Therapy
12737 Bel Red Road
Suite 260
Bellevue, WA 98005
(425) 688-0033
Who Answers?
12737 Bel Red Road
Suite 260
Bellevue, WA 98005
(425) 688-0033
It’s not uncommon for someone to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of a traumatic event in their life and what’s even more common is a subsequent addiction occurring as a result of a desire to self-medicate to overcome this condition. Is PTSD causing your addiction? Many people suffer great tragedy that causes….
A Prevailing image of students has tended to be that of the hard-drinking kind. Boozy Betty is no different. She’s out drinking with friends into the wee hours, she can’t remember how she got home and her grades are beginning to suffer as a result. Boozy Betty is a poster girl to remind Heriot-Watt students in Edinburgh….
Eight years ago, Californians approved Proposition 36, which was designed to send drug offenders into treatment instead of prison. Proposition 5, on the Nov. 4 ballot, would take this concept a step further. Many prosecutors and judges who deal with drug-related crime make a compelling case that this measure goes too far – and would….
A Seminar released on June 13, 2008 in The Lancet discusses nicotine addiction, and the potential for reducing its disease burden and death toll by improving public knowledge and using treatments individual to patients. This includes the potential creation of an antinicotine vaccine. Nicotine is a stimulant classically found in tobacco, and its chronic addiction….
Binge drinking is often associated with many health risks including sexually transmitted diseases and alcohol poisoning. While it’s been proven that drinking alcohol in moderation can be good for your health, that is not the case when it comes to binge drinking. FACC Cardiologist Dr. Lynn Einbinder says binge drinking is usually defined as having….
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