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Binge culture
During the holiday season many high school seniors sort out their college preferences and work on their college applications. If in the midst of that anxiety-producing process, students and parents ask college officials to comment on the culture of drinking and alcohol abuse on campus, they are likely to be assured that the school upholds….
Helping To Improve PMPs – Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs – Through A Federally-Supported PMP Center Of Excellence
With overdoses and deaths involving the use of prescription drugs skyrocketing in the United States, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has selected the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University to host a new initiative to reduce diversion and abuse of these drugs: the PMP Center of Excellence. Funded through a training….
Protection for Smokers
The new Congress can secure an early victory by giving the FDA authority over tobacco. EVEN BARACK Obama — he of the compulsive exercise regimen and workout- video-worthy physique — hasn’t been able to escape the clutches of nicotine. The president-elect, whose struggle to give up cigarettes is well documented, still sneaks an occasional smoke…..
Oldham is England’s binge-drinking capital
The country’s binge-drinking capitals have been revealed in research which shows a rise in the number of hospital admissions linked to alcohol. Official figures show a 33 per cent increase in drink-related cases seen by accident and emergency departments in England since 2005, the year in which controversial 24-hour drinking reforms were introduced by the….
Warning signs of teen drug abuse
Drug abuse in teens, is not a new problem for our modernized society. The drug abuse has widely spread and almost every part of the world is affected by this fatal addiction. The drug abuse has proved to be a great threat for the upcoming younger generation. Since, teen drug abuse constitutes of the larger….