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Obstacles that Can Lead to Relapse
About Drug and Alcohol Addiction Millions of Americans suffer from dependency and addiction to drugs and alcohol, and the numbers continue to increase. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, In 2012, approximately 23.9 million people in America, 12 years of age and older, had used an illegal drug or abused a psychotherapeutic medication….
Do I Have an Alcohol Use Disorder
People who drink hazardous amounts of alcohol are at risk of becoming physically dependent, psychologically overwhelmed and essentially paralyzed by alcohol use disorder. The World Health Organization has developed a method of assessment and screening that helps to identify alcohol use disorder in heavy drinkers. This test, known widely as AUDIT or the Alcohol Use….
The New Direction A Place of Hope for High Functioning Alcoholics
Alcohol Treatment at The New Direction Provides Addicts with Hope and a Chance to Live a Normal Life Alcohol addiction affects every aspect of a person’s life including their reputation, family relationships and their ability to live normally. The New Direction provides addicts with a place of hope where they can learn new life-skills and….
Young adult drug treatment
“Young adults” is the term denoted to individuals between 17 to 25 yrs of age. The global statistics, rates that the percentage of “drug and alcohol” abuse is the highest among these young adults and is increasing steadily. Since the young adults fall in the category of in-between stage of growing up as well as….
Moving on: a life after alcohol
Caroline knew she’d reached the pits of despair as an alcoholic when her mother threatened to disown her. Downing five bottles of wine each night was par for the course – and she had no hope and no job. The Whitstable woman’s battle to stay sober is now fought a day at a time. Caroline….