SMMHC Inc Substance Abuse Services
625 North Plaza Drive
Apache Junction, AZ 85120
(480) 983-0065
Who Answers?
625 North Plaza Drive
Apache Junction, AZ 85120
(480) 983-0065
A single brief intervention that gives problem drinkers personalized feedback can help reduce their alcohol use, new research from the Netherlands shows. Dr. Heleen Riper of the Trimbos Institute in Utrecht and her colleagues looked at 14 studies of such interventions, including a total of 3,682 people. For every eight people who participated, they found,….
There is nothing positive about underage drinking. Teenagers sometimes get behind the wheel and drive under the influence which is a big issue. According to studies by the National Crime Prevention Council, automobile crashes related to underage drinking are the leading cause of death for teens. Approximately 36% of traffic deaths of 15- to 20-year-olds….
There is little doubt that compulsive shopping can cause severe impairment and distress, two key criteria for formal recognition as a mental disorder. But the rest remains up for grabs: Is compulsive shopping a biologically driven disease of the brain, a learned habit run amok, an addiction in its own right or a symptom of….
Much like the rest of the country, the rate of drug use in Florida remains an issue of public concern. With each passing year, access to various types of drugs has become easier for people of all ages. Access to heroin is no different. Being addicted to heroin is one of the most difficult periods….
Generally, eating disorders are nothing but self developed wrong attitudes towards the food and themselves. It includes unpleasant and self critical thoughts about the food and the body weight, and the eating habits that interrupt the routine activities and the normal functioning of the body. Eating disorders are generally caused by a combination of social,….
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