Serenity Lane New Hope
2133 Centennial Plaza
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 485-1577x8627
Intake: (541) 485-1577
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2133 Centennial Plaza
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 485-1577x8627
Intake: (541) 485-1577
It’s not just partying. Some students are alcoholics. Ask Elizabeth, a student at northwestern University, what the best part of freshman year was and she’ll have one answer: the ease of procuring vodka. She drank wine coolers her senior year of high school, but those were tough to find; once she hit college, all she….
A study in this month’s Anesthesiology found evidence that alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are frequently overlooked in patients undergoing surgery ― but also touts a very simple and effective method to identify patients who may be at risk for alcohol-related perioperative complications. In the AUD study, anesthesiologist Claudia D. Spies, M.D., and her research group….
Should parents allow their teenage children to drink alcohol? Restaurants in Germany can legally sell alcohol to a teenager after his sixteenth birthday, and French children drink wine with dinner in the home starting at an early age. But U.S. parents who try to follow this relaxed European example, believing it fosters a healthier attitude….
Generally, eating disorders are nothing but self developed wrong attitudes towards the food and themselves. It includes unpleasant and self critical thoughts about the food and the body weight, and the eating habits that interrupt the routine activities and the normal functioning of the body. Eating disorders are generally caused by a combination of social,….
Jack started drinking when he was in his teens, when he thought it would always be fun. As time went on, he lost control of drinking and learned it was anything but fun. Being from a family of quite a few alcoholics, he thought it was just his destiny to die as one. It was….
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