It’s the kind of tongue-in-cheek concept that might have percolated out of the subversive imagination of R. Crumb, underground cartoon chronicler of the 1960s. Grandma and Grandpa are passing the time in their rockers—and passing a joint back and forth as they recall their youthful marijuana-smoking days in Haight-Ashbury. In fact, according to three investigators….
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The Texas Legislature is currently considering bills that would allow the establishment of programs to enable injecting drug users to exchange used syringes for sterile ones, as a proven means of reducing the spread of blood-borne diseases. The Senate version of the bill has already passed, by a vote of 23-6. An almost identical bill….
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What is an Intervention? An intervention is typically seen when family and friends get together with a loved one who is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction and is not getting help, or is in denial of their addiction. The basic goal of an intervention is to help the struggling addict understand the effects….
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When you or a loved one is addicted to alcohol chances are the cost of alcohol treatment is weighing heavily on your mind. How much will it cost? Who will pay for it? How will I pay for it? Can I afford it? The questions reel through your head and all you can think is….
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When I attend meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, I speak of my “experience, strength and hope.” As an alcoholic in recovery, I carry that message to others as part of the 12-step program I work in AA. This week, I listened to other voices, both younger and older, carry the message, too, from as near as….
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