A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Treatment & Detox Guide

Co-Occurring Disorders

A Co-Occurring Disorder is condition wherein mental disorder as well as alcohol problems is faced by an individual side by side. This is a condition that occurs very often. It is important to manage one disorder at a time by treating each one simultaneously to get the best possible outcome. Co-Occurring Disorders are also referred….

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Benefits of Private Prescription Drug Treatment

Private prescription drug treatment program

When you are addicted to prescription medications, private drug treatment can be the most beneficial option to assure your greatest chance of making a full recovery. Unlike traditional treatment centers that may be funded by insurance coverage or state policy, private prescription drug treatment programs are privately funded and this allows for ample resources, better….

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Risky Drinkers Less Likely to Take Good Care of Themselves & Seek Medical Care

Kaiser Permanente Study Finds Heavier Drinkers Have Worse Health Care Habits Women and men who engage in frequent heavy drinking report significantly worse health-related practices, according to a Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research study in the journal Addiction Research & Theory. For the study, researchers surveyed 7,884 members of the Kaiser Permanente Northwest integrated….

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Risk factors for problem drinking

When friends haven’t seen each other in awhile, one of them might happily suggest, “let’s meet up for drinks!” The tradition of socializing, celebrating, or brooding with a stiff drink in hand has a long and storied history: alcohol has been present everywhere from festivals of Dionysius in ancient Rome to Humphrey Bogart remembering Paris….

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