Salvation Army Addiction Trt Services Continuum of Care Program
3624 Waokanaka Street
Honolulu, HI 96817
(808) 595-6371
Who Answers?
3624 Waokanaka Street
Honolulu, HI 96817
(808) 595-6371
The Obama administration tells federal authorities not to prosecute users and suppliers following state laws, reversing Bush’s position. The Obama administration on Monday told federal authorities not to arrest or prosecute medical marijuana users and suppliers who aren’t violating local laws, paving the way for some states to allow dispensaries to provide the drug as….
Primarily, the goal of a dual diagnosis treatment center is to effectively treat co-existing physical or mental health conditions of an addict along with their substance abuse. By treating all conditions in continuum and integrating the treatment services, many benefits can be received in dual diagnosis treatment centers that may be limited by other providers…..
Here’s a statistic you won’t pick up in English 101: Of eight native-born Americans awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, five were alcoholics, including Sinclair Lewis and Eugene O’Neill. “Alcohol is a factor if not the central focus of the three top modern novelists – Hemingway, Faulkner and Fitzgerald,” says Michael Carolan, an M.F.A. candidate….
Students seek dismissal of underage drinking citations A new program offering students the chance to have their first underage drinking citation dismissed has seen an increase in participation. “Within the first six weeks of school, numbers were already up by 45 people,” said University Police Chief Bob Roberts. Offered through West Virginia University’s Carruth Center….
There is nothing positive about underage drinking. Teenagers sometimes get behind the wheel and drive under the influence which is a big issue. According to studies by the National Crime Prevention Council, automobile crashes related to underage drinking are the leading cause of death for teens. Approximately 36% of traffic deaths of 15- to 20-year-olds….
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