A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Treatment & Detox Guide

Alcohol effects during adolescence

The festive season has come and gone. The fun will forever be cherished by those who had a fabulous time. Some will forever cherish the fun they had while others will reflect at the bad things they did. It is definitely an indisputable fact that some young blades are now addicted to the things they….

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Why Doctors Are Giving Heroin to Heroin Addicts

Treating heroin addicts by giving them heroin might seem counterintuitive. But for some of the most hardened addicts, administering heroin in supervised clinics may just do the trick where detox and methadone have failed. Following the lead of Switzerland and a handful of other countries, Britain recently concluded a four-year trial in which longtime addicts….

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Warning signs of teen drug abuse

Drug abuse in teens, is not a new problem for our modernized society. The drug abuse has widely spread and almost every part of the world is affected by this fatal addiction. The drug abuse has proved to be a great threat for the upcoming younger generation. Since, teen drug abuse constitutes of the larger….

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5 Benefits of Inpatient Treatment Centers

Inpatient treatment centers offer people the greatest and most effective environments for people to conquer their drug or alcohol addictions. An inpatient treatment center means that an individual will be living at the treatment center for a period of time to detoxify from their addiction. By doing this they will have access to a multitude….

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Recognizing the Need for Alcohol Treatment Centers

addiction to alcohol

Compared to drug addiction treatment rates, alcoholism is the most untreated disease in the U.S., according to the Florida Institute of Technology. On average, only 1 out of every 36 people suffering from alcoholism actually gets help. Though alcoholism is officially classified as a disease, it’s a treatable condition. Alcohol treatment centers specialize in applying….

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