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How Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Centers Treat Alcoholism

Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Programs

In 2006, excess alcohol use accounted for an estimated 80,000 deaths making alcoholism the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For each of these deaths, researchers estimate an average of 30 years of potential life lost per death due to excess alcohol….

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Fetal alcohol exposure affects teenage drinking behavior

According to scientists, there is a link between exposure to alcohol in the womb and an attraction to its smell during teenage life. The researchers state that a fetus can recall and be drawn to odor stimuli from what its mother ingests during pregnancy. A new study from the State University of New York found….

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Daily aspirin use may cut risk of common breast cancer

Taking aspirin daily may reduce a woman’s risk of developing a common type of breast cancer, say American researchers. The team, led by Gretchen Gierach, found that intake of aspirin was linked to a small reduction in oestrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancers. The discovery is important as around 75 per cent of cancers are oestrogen….

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Alcohol abuse may resume after critical surgery

Alcohol abuse cirrhosis

critical surgery Life-saving surgery to prevent repeated severe bleeding from ruptured veins in the esophagus or upper stomach may not induce some patients with alcoholic liver disease to stop drinking alcohol, researchers report. Such a surgical procedure may be necessary to reduce the pressure in the veins of the esophagus and upper stomach among patients….

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