Recovery Resources Drug Abuse Treatment
3950 Chester Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114
(216) 431-4131
Intake: (216) 431-4131x1206
Who Answers?
3950 Chester Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114
(216) 431-4131
Intake: (216) 431-4131x1206
Drunk and disengaged, they put themselves, others in danger This promises to be a good year for Renee Palmer. Next month, she celebrates 10 years of sobriety. Looking back, Palmer hardly recognizes the woman she was in her 30s: a woman who would empty a 20-ounce bottle of Pepsi, leaving just enough to season a….
Nurses are to advise patients about their drinking habits as part of a scheme to tackle binge drinking. Patients who return to hospital for treatment after a drink-related injury will receive advice from nurses about their alcohol intake. The assembly government-led scheme will start across Wales in February. The chief nursing officer for Wales said….
Cancer treatments are very complicated. Every treatment largely depends on the type of cancer and its stage and its side effects on the patient. There are various stages involved in the treatment process and therefore there are various professionals and specialists helping the patient, in the treatment process. Given below are some information on who….
The decision to get needed alcohol abuse treatment often comes with more than a few concerns and doubts. No doubt, the alcohol-affected state of mind a person reaches by the time he or she considers getting treatment doesn’t make the process any easier. Of all the types of addiction treatment available, alcohol abuse treatment carries….
Free beer, dollar pitchers, two for one, three for one, bring your own cup and $1 shots – sweet music to the financially challenged, fun-seeking college student’s ear. Add in a couple games of beer pong, flip cup or quarters and the night is sure to be memorable. But when does binge drinking stop being….
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