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Frightening rise in binge drinking among California teens
Debbie Allen felt sick when she heard about the death of 15-year-old Sarah Botill after a night of drinking Dec. 5 at a weekend sleepover in Gilroy. Her daughter, Shelby Lyn, died under eerily similar circumstances Dec. 19 last year in Redding. Like Sarah, Shelby Lyn Allen, 17, was drinking with two friends late at….
Teen drug rehabilitation and its importance
Drug addiction is a fatal practice spreading among the teenagers worldwide. The drug addiction is ruining the future on any addict and contributing to the destruction of the morale of the society. Therefore, it is very necessary to undertake the teen drug rehabilitation and its importance needs to be spread among the people, making them….
We treat alcohol like fruit juice now ..this has to stop
The night out was jokingly billed as “the messiest” in town but the reality was nothing to laugh about. Hammered teenagers guzzled strong lager for £1 a pint at the rowdy student club night. Tottering drinkers quickly lost all powers of self-control and wrestled with each other to be served first. Worryingly, these sort of….
Moderate Drinking Raises Risk Of Hospitalization
New British research suggests that men who consumer just four pints of beer per week may increase their lifetime risk of being hospitalized. In the study of 5,772 Scottish men, researchers found that those who consumed just four pints of beer, eight shots of spirits or eight small glasses of wine per week were more….
Alcohol addiction
Alcohol addiction can be described as a compulsive need of toxic liquids. This can be anything containing alcohol wine, beer, whiskey, or vodka. Person is called alcohol addict when, he or she is unable to abstain from drinking. This is very primary stage of alcohol addiction. If person has symptoms like nausea, sweatiness or shaking….