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Treatment & Detox Guide
PTSD doubles the rates of addiction: Early detection is important for a healthy life
“Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event. A traumatic event is something horrible and scary that you see or that happens to you. During this type of event, you think that your life or others’ lives are in danger. You may feel afraid….
Treatment of Eating disorder for teens
Eating disorder is particularly seen in the teenagers and mostly in girls as compared to the boys. A person with an eating disorder “typically starves himself” to lose weight. Though the exact cause of this disorder is not clear, this disorder is said to be a combination of various factors like genetics, physiological and social…..
Drink link to premature birth
Doctors say women who drink heavily early in a pregnancy – possibly before they know they are pregnant – may be raising the risk of premature delivery. A study of 4,719 Australian women found almost an 80% higher risk for women who drank heavily in the first third of pregnancy, then stopped. However, experts warned….
Troubled teens
“I am confused about life, it seems like no one understands me, especially my parents, it seems that I live in two different worlds…i will always rebel, I don’t care about the punishments, because they can’t take away my freedom…”, now who do you think is this poem about? Yes, a teenager, a “troubled teen”…..
Kirklees Alcohol Advisory Service helping 3,000 alcoholics every year
Up To 10,000 people in Kirklees could have some form of issue with alcohol. The Kirklees Alcohol Advisory Service (KAAS) said they are approached by around 3,000 people a year seeking help for alcohol dependency. But chairman Norman Macleod believes there are many thousands more who, while not alcoholics, are not in control of their….