Preston Counseling
15 East Oneida Street
P.O. Box 95
Preston, ID 83263
(208) 852-2407
Who Answers?
15 East Oneida Street
P.O. Box 95
Preston, ID 83263
(208) 852-2407
An alarming number of 21-year-olds are participating in a dangerous practice of consuming 21 alcoholic beverages to celebrate reaching legal drinking age, according to a new report by researchers at the University of Missouri. More than a third of men and a quarter of women surveyed at the university who drank alcohol the day they….
What is Equine Therapy? Equine Therapy is a form of psychotherapy which uses horses as tools to help a person with emotional problems that they are having a hard time overcoming; equine therapy will help a person rebuild trust in their life, which includes trust with their self and trust in others. The bond between….
ADHD mostly affects small children. However, many times it does happen that children with ADHD do suffer from this disorder even in their teenage. Therefore, though children suffering from ADHD successfully navigate from school years if properly treated, the child with ADHD, when enters his teenage needs to be again re-evaluated for this disorder. And….
Like the term teetotaler, the notion that Jews can’t be alcoholics is a bit quaint. It’s also a myth that can be an obstacle on the often painful but ultimately exhilarating path to recovery. “I think it can make it more difficult,” says a Camden County businessman and Reform Jew who, at 51, has been….
Prescription painkiller abuse is a rapidly growing and widespread problem, recently coming into full view due to high profile stories and tragic celebrity deaths. Conflicting messaging and the degradation associated with addiction often mislead people from understanding it as a disease, caused by an imbalance of receptors in the brain. American Board of Addiction Medicine….
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