Phoenix Houses of the Mid Atlantic Nuevo Dia
521 North Quincy Street
Arlington, VA 22203
(703) 841-0703
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521 North Quincy Street
Arlington, VA 22203
(703) 841-0703
A Record 10,000 heroin addicts have sought methadone treatment in HSE centres across the country so far this year. New figures obtained by the Irish Independent reveal an alarming increase in the number of addicts in towns and cities across the country as seizures of heroin by gardai also soar to unprecedented levels. Approximately 2,000….
For those who don’t know or have never heard of Al-anon, it is a 12-step recovery program that is the counter-part to the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step recovery program. It was initiated by Lois Wilson (the wife of Bill Wilson; one of the original founders of Alcoholics Anonymous) as a safe haven and support group for….
A new study discovers a treatment regimen combining cognitive-behavioral therapy and medications for depression and alcohol addiction improves clinical outcomes. Specifically, combining the antidepressant sertraline (Zoloft) with the alcohol dependence treatment naltrexone produced a 54 percent abstinence rate in patients with both major depression and alcohol dependence, whereas the rates were only 21 to 28….
Too much alcohol can cause permanent brain damage, such as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is largely related to thiamine deficiency. Previous animal studies have shown that alcohol can also cause brain injury and degeneration by inhibiting insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF). A new study using postmortem human brain tissue has found that chronic alcohol abuse….
A year ago, a booze-fueled spring break trip was all the news when two Portland State University basketball players got into a drunken brawl in Mexico. That donnybrook drew lots of attention because athletes were involved. But it was otherwise unremarkable: Studies show that, while students don’t necessarily drink more on spring break, those who….
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