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Treatment & Detox Guide
Methods of Drug Detox Treatment
Different drugs have different withdrawal durations and effects on users. Through research and clinical practices, various methods have been proven effective for certain types of drugs. Although drug detox treatment is the first step in drug abuse treatments, by itself, it has little to no effect on drug seeking behaviors or long term abstinence. Without….
Binge drinking: A Victorian legacy
Binge drinking, violence, contentious parades – all modern day problems, but in Northern Ireland it seems their roots stretch back more than 100 years. In Victorian Ireland alcohol abuse and binge drinking were rife, thanks to the introduction of “ether drinking”. “Ether was the alcopop of the 1880s and its use became endemic in Londonderry….
Campaign tackles binge drinking
A new campaign has been launched in New South Wales aimed at curbing binge drinking. The $1 million anti-binge drinking campaign “What Are You Doing To Yourself?” targets the 16-20 year old age group and aims to stop young people from engaging in risky behaviour which is fuelled by alcohol. The campaign includes advertisements to….
The AbuseCheck Hair Alcohol Test
From a Small Sample of Hair, This Test Can Distinguish Non-Drinkers from Moderate and Abusive Drinkers Alcoholism poses serious health issues with major socio-economic consequences to society. Four major areas of concern are public transportation, child custody rights, measuring underage drinking, and tools for monitoring rehabilitation. The Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 requires….
Are Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers the Only Option for Recovery?
While traditional alcohol abuse treatment centers operate off of standardized treatment methods, not everyone can benefit from a standardized treatment approach. As different people have different treatment needs, alternative alcohol abuse treatment centers try to approach alcohol recovery from a less restrictive perspective. Alternative alcohol abuse treatment centers offer services more geared towards specific aspects….