Finally, after America has frittered away billions of taxpayer dollars arming Latin American death squads, airdropping toxic herbicide on equatorial farmland, and incarcerating more of its own citizens on nonviolent drug charges than any other industrialized nation, two political leaders last week tried to begin taming the most wildly out of control beast in the….
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A new campaign has been launched in New South Wales aimed at curbing binge drinking. The $1 million anti-binge drinking campaign “What Are You Doing To Yourself?” targets the 16-20 year old age group and aims to stop young people from engaging in risky behaviour which is fuelled by alcohol. The campaign includes advertisements to….
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You don’t have to drink to suffer from alcoholism, according to Al-Anon, a self-help recovery program founded in 1951 for families and close friends of alcoholics. Those closest to an alcoholic are deeply affected by the disease of alcoholism — emotionally, spiritually and physically. Although the root of their problem is not always easy to….
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Amina is 35 years old. She is married and has six children. She is also addicted to heroin. A housewife from Herat Province in Afghanistan, Amina started using drugs at the age of 10, when she was working as a carpet weaver. The job was strenuous and her workmates advised her to use opium to….
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One part of the prenatal brain that may be particularly sensitive to alcohol’s effects is white matter, nerve fibers through which information is exchanged between different areas of the central nervous system. A recent study has demonstrated that alcohol consumption during pregnancy can alter the microstructural integrity of developing fetal cerebral white matter in the….
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