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Treatment & Detox Guide
Major Report Finds Screening and Early Intervention Program Used in Diverse Health Care Settings Dramatically Reduces Illicit Drug Use among Patients
Report found a 67.7 percent reduction in illicit drug use over a six month period among people receiving these services The Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) program can reduce illicit drug use among patients seeking medical care in a wide variety of health care settings such as hospitals, physician offices, and community….
Drinking to death, one glass at a time
Middle-Aged drinkers are consuming alcohol at unprecedented levels, with many unaware their “social” drinking is killing them. Using increased stress as a justification for a tipple, many are downing more than three standard (100ml wine, 280ml beer) drinks each day, which can more than double their risk of diseases such as liver cirrhosis and heart….
The Real Cost Of Drinking
Every year 3,000 women die as a result of alcohol, while binge drinking among British teens is rocketing. Here four women explain how alcohol has blighted their lives The Binge Drinker Dawn Morris, 27, lives in Watford with her husband James, 29, a promotions manager, her five-year-old son, Lewis, and two-year-old daughter, Isabella. “At college….
Don’t be a Christmas boozer loser warning
Drinkers in Leeds are being urged to examine how much booze they are knocking back over Christmas. Giant touch-screens have been erected at Leeds railway station to help people work out their alcohol consumption – and compare West Yorkshire’s drinking levels with the national average. Screens have also been put up in London, Glasgow and….
Binge culture
During the holiday season many high school seniors sort out their college preferences and work on their college applications. If in the midst of that anxiety-producing process, students and parents ask college officials to comment on the culture of drinking and alcohol abuse on campus, they are likely to be assured that the school upholds….