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Drug addiction- an overview
Many a times in our lives, we do face problems. These problems are bound to break us emotionally as well as psychologically. Therefore, as a way out, one make take the help of certain chemical substances like the drugs that relieves him of all tensions or stress temporarily. This may lead him to getting addicted,….
Alcohol addiction-an overview
Alcohol is an intoxicating liquid, obtained from the fermentation of grains or fruits. The different types of these liquid are the beer, wine and other hard liquors. People in habit of regularly consuming these liquids are sure to develop a compulsive need of these liquids over a period of time, which is commonly termed as….
Alcohol-free weekend raises awareness
Those who decide to give up alcohol this Easter weekend won’t necessarily be doing so because of holiday tradition. For those involved in the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, it will represent an effort to raise awareness of alcohol disease. The three-day challenge, always the first weekend of April, kicks off the 23rd….
Teens and alcohol
Alcopops. Ever hear of those? Not many people have heard of that term, but they are a drink that is growing in popularity among young people. Alcopop, broken down, is “alcohol” and “pop” (as in soda pop). They are sweet alcoholic beverages that often is fizzy and has had fruit juice added to them. One….
Why do some heavy drinkers develop mouth and throat cancers while others do not?
A study by researchers in Europe has revealed why some heavy drinkers develop mouth and throat cancers while others do not and also why some people get drunk quickly. The answer it seems is genetic – as two gene variants appear to offer “significant” protection against mouth and throat cancers. The team of researchers led….