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Treatment & Detox Guide
Symptoms of ADHD in children
“Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders” is commonly known as the “ADHD”. This disorder is commonly seen in children and can turn into a chronic mental disorder. Since, this is a mental condition; ADHD largely affects the child’s progress at school and on social front. In a survey, it was found that boys are more prone to….
What is opiate Detox
Opiate addiction has been classified as a disorder of the central nervous system of the body that is a result of frequent and prolonged use of opiates. A person with opiate addiction does not have any control over his/her drug craving. Opiate addicts feel lonely and vulnerable as they suffer from highly stressful emotional, social….
Your ADHD child and school
ADHD is a mental disorder, which largely affects the small children. Children with ADHD tend to be very impulsive, hyperactive and are not able to concentrate well on their work. Therefore, Children with ADHD show poor performance at school, which can hamper their academic performance. Usually small kids do behave in similar pattern as that….
Legal drugs spark a boom in pill popping
MY “LEGAL ecstasy party pills” arrive in small, white medicine containers, complete with recommended dosage and a safety seal. “Herbal supplements,” reads the package, but these drugs promise far more – guaranteeing to “add extra kick to your partying” by meddling with the body and mind. It’s a drug high, but one that “will not….
Alcoholics' families need support, too
Alcoholics Anonymous is well known as a self-help programme for people who regularly abuse alcohol, now known to be one adult in five. But the despair, confusion and resentment suffered by the alcoholic is invariably felt by their family too. I know this from both sides of the fence: as the child of a drink-dependent….