New Horizons NCS
3003 Grant Avenue
Ogden, UT 84401
(801) 392-6958
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3003 Grant Avenue
Ogden, UT 84401
(801) 392-6958
For Filipinos, no celebration is complete without an abundance of food and alcohol drinks. This is clearly evident during the long Holiday season in the country, with Filipinos partying almost weekly until Christmas or New Year’s day. Experts, however, warn that people should take stock of the harm social bingeing and the occasional or regular….
Like a protective Big Brother, Northwest Kansas Community Corrections has an arsenal of gadgets it uses to monitor the behavior of the inmates it oversees. One of the most promising up-and-coming devices being used is the Scram alcohol monitoring bracelet. Worn on the ankle, the bracelet uses samples of insensible perspiration through the skin to….
Andrew used to be an alcoholic. He’s come a long way in his life. He’s the one person in my life who I can truly say lost it all, and has overcome. Andrew’s tale is both heart breaking and heart warming and I had to share it with all of you. Andrew, at what age….
Alcohol treatment is necessary for those who are dependent on and abusing alcohol. Those who become dependent on alcohol are called alcoholics, and they need to be treated formally in a detox or rehab facility. Why is alcohol treatment necessary? Alcohol Withdrawal First and foremost, alcohol withdrawal can be extremely dangerous. As stated by the….
An estimated 14 million Americans – one in eight – are addicted to alcohol or will develop an alcohol use disorder. Yet despite the very high personal and economic costs, the vast majority of individuals with an alcohol use disorder never receive treatment. Researchers at the UConn Health Center are trying to do something about….
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