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Treatment & Detox Guide
60 repeat DUI offenders successfully complete year in Akron Municipal Court’s treatment program
The only detail Doug remembers clearly of his drunken drive home from a friend’s house last year is being arrested at the end of it. It wasn’t the first time Doug had gotten caught behind the wheel after a night of drinking. But thanks to a treatment-based program at Akron Municipal Court, it was his….
Starving for alcohol, bingeing on booze
A potentially new form of an eating disorder has people cutting calories to enjoy alcohol without the weight gain. Summer has arrived. As students diet and exercise to get into swimsuit shape, an extension of an eating disorder called drunkorexia makes headlines. Drunkorexia, a non-medical term, was coined by the media. It refers to “people….
New Research Improves Early Detection And Survival For Pancreatic Cancer
There are new and innovative methods to better understand the risk factors for and improve earlier detection of pancreatic cancer. Specifically, researchers can demonstrate that the development of, new biomarkers, novel treatment targets, innovative approaches to screening and surveillance and improved understanding of risk factors can lead to diagnosis of pancreatic cancer at earlier more….
When You’re the Adult Child of an Alcoholic Parent
You may not drink, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t affected by alcoholism. If you are the adult child of an alcoholic parent, learn how to cope with the effect alcoholism has had on your life. When a parent abuses alcohol, the whole family suffers. Children are especially at risk. Growing up in an alcoholic….
Your Social Network Affects Your Drinking Habits
People who socialize with heavy drinkers are more likely to imbibe a bit too much themselves. And the same holds true for teetotalers: Those who have non-drinking friends and relatives are more likely not to consume alcohol themselves, a new study found. “People are organized by their drinking behavior more than would be predicted by….