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Sleep problems persist, but there’s still hope for recovering alcoholics, new study finds
Sleep was an issue at the beginning for “Joe,” a recovering alcoholic from Evanston, but two years and nine months down the line, instead of drinking to pass out, he sleeps through the night. “Now it’s a pleasure to live. That’s what motivated me,” said Joe, who asked that his real name be withheld. Joe’s….
Binge drinking a problem for older adults too
Binge drinking is usually seen as a problem of college campuses, but many older adults may be overindulging in alcohol as well, a study published Monday suggests. Using data from a government survey of nearly 11,000 Americans age 50 and up, researchers found that 23 percent of men between the ages of 50 and 64….
Children ‘copy parents’ drinking’
Parents underestimate the influence their own drinking habits have on their children’s attitude to alcohol, government research suggests. A Department for Children, Families and Schools study suggests children from heavy-drinking households are more likely to use alcohol themselves. And half of young people who have drunk alcohol were given it by their parents. It comes….
Bill offers zero tolerance for bus drivers with alcohol
A Senate committee gave unanimous approval Friday to a bill that would prohibit school bus drivers from having any alcohol in their bodies — or in their possession. Senators questioned whether the language in the bill, sponsored by Del. Ben Cline, R-Rockbridge County, actually would prohibit transporting children after just one drink. They decided it….
Wealthy women more likely to binge drink
Wealthy and professional women are far more likely to binge drink than those on lower incomes, a new survey of Scotland’s health has suggested. Official figures showed 31 per cent of females in homes with the highest earners drink more than the recommended limit of 14 units per week, the equivalent of seven pints of….