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5 Ways Parents Can Prevent Teenage Drinking

Teenage drinking is such a health risk that pediatricians are now being told to screen all teenagers—and even sixth graders—for alcohol use. That new policy from the American Academy of Pediatrics can be a powerful tool for parents to help their children avoid trouble with alcohol. But first, parents need to learn to give teenagers….
Challenges You May Encounter in Drug Abuse Treatment

The decision to enter drug abuse treatment is, in essence, a decision to enter into a new way of life. After months or years of drug abuse, the damaging effects of drugs have created a negative quality of life that affects both a person’s physical and psychological well-being. According to the National Institute on Drug….
Drinking and driving is a growing problem
With the holiday season upon is, law enforcement officers are taking measures to make sure the roads are safe. The reason, they say, is that South Carolina leads the nation when it comes to drinking and driving. And that, they say, is no laughing matter. The Palmetto State is second in the country when it….
Professionals Are Drinking The Working Classes Under The Table
Britain’s alcohol epidemic is being fuelled by stressed middle-class drinkers, it was revealed yesterday. As figures showed drink-related deaths more than doubling since the early 1990s, research also revealed that white- collar workers are more likely to consume alcohol every day than the working classes. Most admit their heaviest drinking is done at home, with….
Anchorage center to commit alcoholics for detox
A new specialized treatment unit will open later this month in Anchorage to accept alcoholics involuntarily committed to a detoxification program. The unit is an attempt to intervene with street alcoholics who cannot make good choices for themselves, Robert Heffle, director of the Salvation Army’s Clitheroe Center, told The Anchorage Daily News in a story….