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Binge drinking danger of giving your child a glass of wine
Just the one: Allowing children a glass of wine with dinner could turn them into binge drinkers in later life Parents who give their child the occasional glass of wine with their meal could be turning them into binge drinkers, scientists have warned. Growing numbers of middle class parents are following the example of French….
New Research Improves Early Detection And Survival For Pancreatic Cancer
There are new and innovative methods to better understand the risk factors for and improve earlier detection of pancreatic cancer. Specifically, researchers can demonstrate that the development of, new biomarkers, novel treatment targets, innovative approaches to screening and surveillance and improved understanding of risk factors can lead to diagnosis of pancreatic cancer at earlier more….
Alcohol Taxes Have Clear Effect On Drinking
With many local and national governments currently debating proposals to raise alcohol taxes, a timely new study published online today in the February edition of Addiction journal finds that the more alcoholic beverages cost, the less likely people are to drink. And when they do drink, they drink less. After analyzing 112 studies spanning nearly….
Pregnant alcoholics may face mandatory rehabilitation
As the Number of Finnish children living in families with alcohol abuse issues has grown in recent years, so too has the number of pregnant Finnish women harming their unborn children through excessive use of alcohol. According to recent estimates, around six per cent of pregnant Finns drink heavily during pregnancy, meaning that over 3,000….
Is Alcohol Detox Always a Part of Alcohol Treatment
When you are addicted to alcohol there is a need for two components of treatment in order to make a full recovery. First, you have to get treatment for the physical addiction to the alcohol and then you can seek help for the psychological aspects of the addiction. Alcohol detox is the first step to….