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Treatment & Detox Guide
Understanding the Treatments for Anorexia
According to the world renowned Mayo Clinic the definition of Anorexia Nervosa (Anorexia) is: “an eating disorder that causes people to obsess about their weight and the food they eat” (Mayo Definition). Anorexia can cause unrealistic expectations of body type and a distorted view of body image, causing Anorexia suffers to starve themselves trying to….
Anchorage Battles Chronic Public Drunkenness
On a recent Tuesday night, Anchorage police sergeant Dennis Allen came upon a familiar face at a bus stop. It was Paul, one of Anchorage’s 400 or so homeless alcoholics who chronically get drunk in public. He was drinking malt liquor from a cup, and Allen made him pour it out. Later Allen came upon….
Recognizing the Need for Alcohol Addiction Treatment
It’s never too late to seek help for an addiction to alcohol but there are some ways that we can learn to recognize the need for alcohol addiction treatment long before the severe consequences and physical illness begin to fully set in. If you or someone you love drinks alcohol regularly, there’s a chance that….
'A culture of intoxication'
Nova Scotia still has a drinking problem. People in the province still drive drunk, still go on benders at bars, still drink underage and some drink while pregnant. To combat this, last August the provincial Department of Health Promotion and Protection launched a strategy called Changing the Culture of Alcohol Use in Nova Scotia. Almost….
Alcohol abuse among German youths more than sobering
Recent cases of teen and even child alcohol binges are indications of increasing abuse by younger Germans, as an alarming new report published by a German health insurance company reveals. Just last week, three children aged 11, 12 and 13 were found passed out at a playground in the city of Paderborn after drinking vodka…..