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Is Cocaine Addictive?
Cocaine is one of the most highly addictive drugs in existence. It increases energy and alertness and produces such an intense euphoria that, once tried, many find hard to resist. Cocaine Addiction We’ve all heard about the rat studies where rats are given the choice between food and cocaine and they always choose the cocaine….
Medical director: It's all in the brain
Managers may not be able to increase productivity by giving their employees serotonin — well, legally — but they can boost production by making the work area a little more brain-friendly. Daniel Amen, the medical director of Amen Clinics, focuses on making brain theory function in the day-to-day grind. His audience at California State University,….
Mixing Drinks With Work and Staying Sober, Too
FOR Del Pedro, a bartender at the Pegu Club in SoHo, Mondays are especially challenging. That’s when he allows himself careful tastes of new drinks at the bar, where cocktails are designed with precision. Mr. Pedro, an alcoholic with almost 15 years of sobriety behind him, is part of a quiet brigade of people who….
Drug and alcohol rehab strategies to be revamped
Ministers battling to beat Scotland’s addiction to drink and drugs will unveil a radical shake-up of rehabilitation today. They are to disband Scotland’s 11 Alcohol and Drug Action Teams and create 32 local authority teams. Following a damning critique of efforts to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and drugs by Audit Scotland last month,….
Using Stem Cells to Study Alcohol Dependence
An estimated 14 million Americans – one in eight – are addicted to alcohol or will develop an alcohol use disorder. Yet despite the very high personal and economic costs, the vast majority of individuals with an alcohol use disorder never receive treatment. Researchers at the UConn Health Center are trying to do something about….