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Alcoholics' families need support, too
Alcoholics Anonymous is well known as a self-help programme for people who regularly abuse alcohol, now known to be one adult in five. But the despair, confusion and resentment suffered by the alcoholic is invariably felt by their family too. I know this from both sides of the fence: as the child of a drink-dependent….
60 repeat DUI offenders successfully complete year in Akron Municipal Court’s treatment program
The only detail Doug remembers clearly of his drunken drive home from a friend’s house last year is being arrested at the end of it. It wasn’t the first time Doug had gotten caught behind the wheel after a night of drinking. But thanks to a treatment-based program at Akron Municipal Court, it was his….
Bi-polar disorder
The list of disorders is very unending. There are various different disorders that can be contracted by an individual. Most of the disorders largely affect the mental health of the patient. Bi-polar disorder is a similar type of disease affecting a large number of the total population around the world. Scientifically the Bi-polar disorder is….
Campaign aims to steer kids off booze
Thousands of children are being admitted to the region’s hospitals with alcohol-related illnesses. Statistics show more than 3,000 under-18s end up in hospital in North East England each year due to excessive drinking, 149 of those in South Tyneside hospitals. The Department for Children, Schools and Families launched an advertising campaign to get parents to….
Adolescent substance abuse
The use of harmful drugs has spread worldwide. People of all ages have become addicted to harmful chemical substances like the drugs, alcohol and smoking, which alters their physical and mental state. To track down the use of drugs in these people is impossible, but a general survey has estimated that adolescent drug abuse rates….