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Why Equine Therapy Helps in Prescription Drug Treatment
What is Equine Therapy? Equine Therapy is a form of psychotherapy which uses horses as tools to help a person with emotional problems that they are having a hard time overcoming; equine therapy will help a person rebuild trust in their life, which includes trust with their self and trust in others. The bond between….
Alcoholism among older people may be overlooked
As people age, they may tend to mix alcohol with prescription drugs. Disaster can ensue. Research suggests alcoholism among the elderly may not be diagnosed or is simply overlooked. Todd Wagner, clinical director at Blue Mountain Counseling in Dayton, said alcoholism among seniors is a growing problem, often going unnoticed. Maybe providers aren’t asking seniors….
Substance Abuse and Mental Illness – Current Statistics
It is a long-observed conclusion that many people with substance abuse problems also have mental health issues. The debate often rests on whether or not one causes the other and if treatment of one can make the other disappear. This can be a heated topic, as some experts insist on treating both as co-occurring disorders,….
Drug and alcohol rehab strategies to be revamped
Ministers battling to beat Scotland’s addiction to drink and drugs will unveil a radical shake-up of rehabilitation today. They are to disband Scotland’s 11 Alcohol and Drug Action Teams and create 32 local authority teams. Following a damning critique of efforts to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and drugs by Audit Scotland last month,….
Low vitamin D heightens breast-cancer mortality rate
Disease twice as likely to spread in women deficient in the nutrient, study finds Women diagnosed with breast cancer are nearly twice as likely to have the disease spread to other parts of their bodies and are 73 per cent more likely to die from it if they have low levels of vitamin D, according….