Human Resources Inc Willow Oaks
114 Willow Oaks Lane
Cartersville, VA 23027
(804) 375-3443
Intake: (804) 784-3532
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114 Willow Oaks Lane
Cartersville, VA 23027
(804) 375-3443
Intake: (804) 784-3532
A new campaign has been launched in New South Wales aimed at curbing binge drinking. The $1 million anti-binge drinking campaign “What Are You Doing To Yourself?” targets the 16-20 year old age group and aims to stop young people from engaging in risky behaviour which is fuelled by alcohol. The campaign includes advertisements to….
About Eating Disorders and Treatment Most eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia revolve around a person’s distorted body image of their self. People who have eating disorders commonly feel as though they are not attractive or need to lose weight, even if they are extremely below weight. Eating disorders can cause numerous health complications….
If you or a loved one is addicted to alcohol, you may be considering alcohol treatment to help you overcome the addiction and regain control of your life. Weighing the pros and cons of alcohol treatment prior to seeking help can help you to really make the right decision and know that the treatment you….
The chapel at Immanuel Presbyterian Church was filled to capacity last Saturday afternoon, with mourners moving up to the balcony. Much to the surprise of his family, hundreds — from infants to senior citizens — came to honor John Robert McGraham, a homeless man who was brutally murdered on Oct. 9. McGraham, 55, was doused….
The government faced fresh calls today to increase the price of alcohol, after research revealed that young people in the UK reported some of the highest levels of teenage binge-drinking, drunkenness and alcohol-related problems in Europe. British schoolgirls aged 15 and 16 are binge-drinking even more than their male classmates, with fresh evidence that their….
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