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Binge Drinking Not Just a Rite of the Young
Older alcoholics tend to drink heavily more often than younger people, study finds. Older people who are problem drinkers consume more alcohol than their younger counterparts, a new report finds, possibly because they need more alcohol to achieve the same effect. According to a study released this month, people dependent on alcohol who are older….
Exercise ‘does not compensate’ for drinking too much
Sweating off alcohol does not work even though some believe exercise helps you get over a hangover, ministers have said. Research published by the Department of Health suggests more than 3.8 million adults in England try to exercise to clear a hangover. A survey by YouGov found that one in five people admit to playing….
Let’s be honest about alcohol

Like a stereotypical drunk searching in vain for a bottle that’s around here somewhere, it turns out that many Canadians have a hard time understanding exactly what happened to the liquor that they bought. A new study for the University of Victoria’s Centre for Addictions Research, based on a national telephone survey of 13,909 people,….
The New Direction
Giving the Alcoholic Person a Successful Start on the Twelve-Step Road of Recovery Since 1977 The New Direction Alcohol Rehabilitation in New York The New Direction was founded in 1977 by Matt and Margaret Batson under the premise that people who make a commitment to A.A. tend to stay sober. Since the doors of the….
A mindful distraction for pain and depression
CAN THE WAY you chew a raisin affect the way you experience pain? Trials at St James’s and AMNCH (Tallaght) Hospitals in Dublin are beginning to look at how “mindfulness meditation” can be used to help people cope with a diverse range of problems including chronic pain, depression, anxiety, cardiac difficulties and even psoriasis. “Mindfulness….