Hampton Roads Clinic Opioid Treatment Program
2712 Washington Avenue
Newport News, VA 23607
(757) 240-5223
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2712 Washington Avenue
Newport News, VA 23607
(757) 240-5223
Older alcoholics knock back far more than younger ones, and for those over 60 that means an average of 42.5 drinks every week, a US study released found today. The research, led by Linda Ginzer of Ohio State University and carried out in late November by the Gerontology Society of America, examined data from 43,000….
Bi-polar disorder is a serious mental illness. This mental disorder is often inappropriately associated with insanity. The person suffering from the bipolar disorder goes through a severe mood swings. Mood swings can be ranging from depressive symptoms to maniac symptoms. The frequent age of onset of Bi-polar disorder is between 20 to 30 years. The….
MEET MRINAL from Kanpur. He is 16 years old and has already been to a rehabilitation centre. He started drinking and smoking since he was 13. Meet Manoj and Vijay from Delhi, aged 17. They are famous among their group for throwing big parties with unlimited flow of alcohol and marijuana. These characters have not….
A liver charity has called on the Government to make unit labels on alcohol mandatory following a report on alcohol misuse published today. The British Liver Trust voiced its concern over the report by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), which showed that 40per cent of people were unaware of sensible drinking guidelines and 77per cent….
People who drink hazardous amounts of alcohol are at risk of becoming physically dependent, psychologically overwhelmed and essentially paralyzed by alcohol use disorder. The World Health Organization has developed a method of assessment and screening that helps to identify alcohol use disorder in heavy drinkers. This test, known widely as AUDIT or the Alcohol Use….
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