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Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms

eating disorders

Binge eating disorder is a dangerous mental health disorder marked by eating large amounts of food, frequently, and with no control over quantities or frequencies. Mental health disorders such as binge eating can lead to multiple health risks and are often a sign of underlying issues such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse. Unlike bulimia….

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Challenges in Drug Treatment

No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, there will still be challenges in drug treatment that can cause some bumps in the road. Even the most dedicated, most willing and most ready to get sober individual will find drug treatment to be a challenging process that takes strength to carry on—but….

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Gene Mutation In Worms Key To Alcohol Tolerance

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that a genetic mutation in worms could further understanding of alcoholism in humans. The work follows a study carried out by Oregon Health and Science University, which suggested a link between a gene mutation in mice and tolerance to alcohol. Researchers at Liverpool have investigated this in….

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Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Treatment

alcohol withdrawal symptoms problems

Those who suffer from alcohol addiction often continue to drink simply to forgo any withdrawal symptoms from occurring. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a potentially life threatening illness that can last for many days or even weeks following an individual’s decision to stop drinking but there is help. Many options are available for alcohol withdrawal symptoms treatment….

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Is Medical Advice On Prenatal Alcohol Use Really Acurate?

A medico-legal professional in the Journal of Medical Ethics states that advice given by many doctors on drinking during pregnancy is condescending and morally uncertain, including the recommendations of the Chief Medical Officer for England and the British Medical Association (BMA). Unlike heavy drinking, when consumption is reasonable and moderate, studies still do not conclude….

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