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We treat alcohol like fruit juice now ..this has to stop
The night out was jokingly billed as “the messiest” in town but the reality was nothing to laugh about. Hammered teenagers guzzled strong lager for £1 a pint at the rowdy student club night. Tottering drinkers quickly lost all powers of self-control and wrestled with each other to be served first. Worryingly, these sort of….
Heroin Related Deaths on the Rise as Prescription Drug Abuse Declines
An alarming increase of heroin related deaths has swept the nation affecting many states where prescription drug abuse has been on a decline. Likely the result of people switching from abusing expensive prescription medications to using heroin which is more widely available and affordable, the increase in heroin related overdose and death is a very….
Children ‘copy parents’ drinking’
Parents underestimate the influence their own drinking habits have on their children’s attitude to alcohol, government research suggests. A Department for Children, Families and Schools study suggests children from heavy-drinking households are more likely to use alcohol themselves. And half of young people who have drunk alcohol were given it by their parents. It comes….
European health and safety organisations call for stricter EU-coordinated alcohol policies
Twelve European health and safety umbrella organisations call for stricter EU-coordinated alcohol policies. In a joint policy statement released today, the twelve organisations urge the EU Council of Ministers of Health: to ensure minimum pricing policies, sales restrictions and discount bans in all Member States; to introduce a EU- labelling system for alcohol products informing….
Drunkorexia: Drinking And Not Eating
Not eating before drinking alcohol is something young people have been doing for years but now there’s a slang term for it — drunkorexia. College campus health facilities are starting to take a closer look at the problem and how to curb the dangerous fad. “‘Oh I’m going to drink my dinner tonight,’ is a….