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Treatment & Detox Guide
Drug treatment centers
The drug treatment centers aim at providing rehabilitation services to those people who are addicted to alcohol, drugs and those suffering from dual diagnosis. These facilities offer curative treatments for alcoholism, drug addiction and dual diagnosis. They are well equipped to help addicts rediscover their inner strength, support them and help them live a fairly….
Finding Help for Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription drug abuse is no longer a problem that only a certain generation or age group faces; rather it has become an epidemic, touching people of all walks of life. Many of the commonly abused prescription drugs are those that are prescribed for many health issues as well as recovery from those issues. Prescription drug abuse….
Alcholic dementia often overlooked
Alcoholic dementia is often an overlooked type of memory dysfunction. It is estimated that about 8 percent of people in the U.S. over age 65 may have an alcohol abuse problem. Sixty percent of the elderly drink and 5 to 10 percent are binge drinkers. It may be hard to believe, but Medicare, which is….
Young drinker backs teen alcohol campaign
Teenager Catherine Woollard will be legally allowed to drink for the first time this week – but, for her, the novelty of alcohol wore off years ago. Set to celebrate her 18th birthday tomorrow, she began drinking at the age of 12 following the sudden death of her grandmother. By the time she was 16,….
Researchers say providing heroin, legal drugs can help most difficult addicts
VANCOUVER — A clinical trial that prescribed heroin to drug addicts found that users did not appear to distinguish the powerful street drug from a legally available prescription painkiller, researchers say. And that offers hope of a treatment option that is legally and politically more palatable than providing drug addicts with heroin, they say. Users….