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Treatment & Detox Guide
Pain and anger are the hidden burden for children with an alcoholic parent
When Mary Smith pulled the car off the road to answer her mobile and hear the news of her father’s death, she felt just “a calm relief”. “Really, I had lost my dad many years before. His mind had gone at least four years before,” said Smith (not her real name). “Sometimes I think about….
What to Do Before You Enter a Drug Treatment Center
More oftentimes than not, someone who’s decided to enter a drug treatment center has gone through much heartache and frustration brought on by drug use. Considering how strong a hold drugs (and alcohol) can have on a person’s will, the decision to get needed treatment help takes a considerable degree of will and fortitude. Before….
What Factors Help People to Stay in Treatment?
When your addicted to drugs or alcohol the entire process of treatment is a difficult and challenging process that takes time and effort. Various changes must be made emotionally, physically, personally and financially to assure the overall successful recovery of an addict and all these changes can be difficult to deal with psychologically not to….
Recognizing the Need for Alcohol Addiction Treatment
It’s never too late to seek help for an addiction to alcohol but there are some ways that we can learn to recognize the need for alcohol addiction treatment long before the severe consequences and physical illness begin to fully set in. If you or someone you love drinks alcohol regularly, there’s a chance that….
Alcohol treatment essential
One of the toughest steps for an alcoholic is to shake off the denial. It can fester for years until one day he realizes he’s lost — or is on the verge of losing — his family, his job, even his life. So he takes the plunge and starts to seek a path to recovery…..