Galax Treatment Center Inc Life Center of Galax
112 Painter Street
Galax, VA 24333
(800) 345-6998
Hotline: (800) 345-6998
Who Answers?
112 Painter Street
Galax, VA 24333
(800) 345-6998
Hotline: (800) 345-6998
Many people suffer from both co-occurring chemical dependency disorders and behavioral health problems such as anxiety and depression. This condition is commonly known as dual diagnosis. What is worse is that it is more prevalent than many people realize. According to a study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association, nearly 53 percent….
If you have children between the ages of 12 and 20, you might want talk to them about the dangers of underage drinking. A new study released from the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration says more kids are drinking at a younger age because their parents aren’t educating them enough about the….
Successfully persuading chronic alcoholics of the virtues of gardening and a good diet may appear like an impossible task, but doctors are to start promoting The Good Life model in a bid to cure Scotland’s drink problem. Teaching problem drinkers how to grow and cook healthy food is to be a key part of a….
A large number of the total number of world population is under substance abuse. Since, most of the populations under substance abuse are teenagers; it has become the need of the time that parents, must get educated and made aware of the signs and symptoms and also about the adverse effects and treatment options available….
The lowering of the drinking age has led to an explosion in teenage drink-driving convictions, new figures show. Sunday Star-Times’ analysis of drink-driving convictions over the past decade show teenage New Zealanders, women and those aged 40-plus are our worst drink-drivers. But the teen figures are the most alarming in 2006, excess breath-alcohol convictions for….
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