Family Counseling Center Inc
501 Highway J North
Hayti, MO 63851
(573) 359-2600
Intakes: (573) 359-2600x10
Who Answers?
501 Highway J North
Hayti, MO 63851
(573) 359-2600
Intakes: (573) 359-2600x10
Here’s a statistic you won’t pick up in English 101: Of eight native-born Americans awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, five were alcoholics, including Sinclair Lewis and Eugene O’Neill. “Alcohol is a factor if not the central focus of the three top modern novelists – Hemingway, Faulkner and Fitzgerald,” says Michael Carolan, an M.F.A. candidate….
Imbibing too much at the punch bowl at holiday parties or at other times when alcohol is flowing freely can hurt more than your sobriety and waistline. Overindulgence with booze can cause a condition doctors call holiday heart syndrome. It can happen to anyone of any age. “Anywhere from very young to middle aged or….
Parents in England are being warned not to under-estimate the “dangerous consequences” of under-age drinking. Children’s Secretary Ed Balls says parents worried about their children’s safety should recognise the connection between alcohol and “risky behaviour”. This follows a survey suggesting many parents do not rank drinking alcohol as a serious risk to their children. Mr….
A Project to curb underage binge drinking across the nation will be trialled in Tasmania. Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon said the Government had signed a $700,000 funding agreement with the State Government to operate a pilot program in southern Tasmania teaching teenagers about the risks of drinking. “The pilot is part of an innovative….
Drunk and disengaged, they put themselves, others in danger This promises to be a good year for Renee Palmer. Next month, she celebrates 10 years of sobriety. Looking back, Palmer hardly recognizes the woman she was in her 30s: a woman who would empty a 20-ounce bottle of Pepsi, leaving just enough to season a….
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