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Alcohol Abuse Symptoms and Signs
Alcohol abuse is not to be confused with alcoholism. Those who abuse alcohol are not necessarily addicted to alcohol; however, prolonged excessive use could eventually lead to alcoholism. Alcohol abusers do not possess a dependence on alcohol, but usually drink more than is considered healthy. Distinguishing alcohol abuse symptoms from alcoholism can be tricky. How….
No Drinks for Them
It’s not just partying. Some students are alcoholics. Ask Elizabeth, a student at northwestern University, what the best part of freshman year was and she’ll have one answer: the ease of procuring vodka. She drank wine coolers her senior year of high school, but those were tough to find; once she hit college, all she….
Types of Addiction Treatment Centers Available
Addiction treatment centers help people overcome their addiction by providing resources and support There are thousands of rehab centers located throughout the country No matter a person’s addiction problem, there is a treatment center out there to help them overcome their addiction Why People decide to go to an Addiction Treatment Center According to www.drugabuse,gov,….
Drug addiction: 'The true cost often ends in tragic loss of life'
THE death of Perry Fowler should remind us once again that the true cost of drugs does not always end at causing misery and fuelling crime but often ends in the tragic loss of life. It also demonstrates that addiction knows no bounds and that drug misuse is not confined, as many would choose to….
Can drug addiction be cured?
With the increase in the number of dug addicts, there remains a question like can drug abuse be cured? The good news is that drug addiction can be completely treated and cured. Many of us consider that drug addiction is only prevalent in the low-income groups, or in those who do not have a proper….