Fairfax Detox Center
4213 Walney Road
Chantilly, VA 20151
(703) 502-7000
Who Answers?
4213 Walney Road
Chantilly, VA 20151
(703) 502-7000
It’s not just partying. Some students are alcoholics. Ask Elizabeth, a student at northwestern University, what the best part of freshman year was and she’ll have one answer: the ease of procuring vodka. She drank wine coolers her senior year of high school, but those were tough to find; once she hit college, all she….
Seasons Recovery Center of Malibu, California prides itself on providing the most successful alcohol rehab program in the industry. In fact, with an 85% success rate and a 1 year guarantee, alcoholics really can’t go wrong with Seasons Recovery Center. Taking a systemic approach to therapy and the treatment of alcohol addiction, Seasons Recovery Center….
Binge drinking is usually seen as a problem of college campuses, but many older adults may be overindulging in alcohol as well, a study published Monday suggests. Using data from a government survey of nearly 11,000 Americans age 50 and up, researchers found that 23 percent of men between the ages of 50 and 64….
Twelve European health and safety umbrella organisations call for stricter EU-coordinated alcohol policies. In a joint policy statement released today, the twelve organisations urge the EU Council of Ministers of Health: to ensure minimum pricing policies, sales restrictions and discount bans in all Member States; to introduce a EU- labelling system for alcohol products informing….
“Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event. A traumatic event is something horrible and scary that you see or that happens to you. During this type of event, you think that your life or others’ lives are in danger. You may feel afraid….
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