Eckerd Youth Alternatives Inc Eckerd Academy at Brooksville
397 Culbreath Road
Brooksville, FL 34602
(352) 796-9493
Who Answers?
397 Culbreath Road
Brooksville, FL 34602
(352) 796-9493
When the vomiting, tremors, and chills she felt each morning became overwhelming, Jessica Polmann started selling her body to finance her heroin addiction and halt the debilitating physical symptoms of withdrawal. The petite, blond cheerleader, who made the honor roll before she started doing heroin at age 13, received $60 and some cigarettes each time….
New, long-term results from a clinical trial presented today at the 1st European Lung Cancer Conference jointly organized by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the International Association of the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) show that MAGE-A3 ASCI (Antigen-Specific Cancer Immunotherapeutic), an immune-boosting treatment for lung cancer patients, reduces the risk of….
On a recent Tuesday night, Anchorage police sergeant Dennis Allen came upon a familiar face at a bus stop. It was Paul, one of Anchorage’s 400 or so homeless alcoholics who chronically get drunk in public. He was drinking malt liquor from a cup, and Allen made him pour it out. Later Allen came upon….
Alcohol addiction symptoms vary from person to person, but every person who develops an addiction to alcohol will begin to show signs to the outside world. Alcohol Alcohol is the most common abused drug in America and throughout the world. Being that alcohol is a legal substance, people tend to take advantage of the drug….
Sweating off alcohol does not work even though some believe exercise helps you get over a hangover, ministers have said. Research published by the Department of Health suggests more than 3.8 million adults in England try to exercise to clear a hangover. A survey by YouGov found that one in five people admit to playing….
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