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Alcoholics often are experts at hiding it
At one point during her quarter-century as an alcoholic, Carol Colleran would down at least 10 beers each weeknight, more on weekends. Then she would show up the next morning at her job in hospital management, feeling fuzzy and lousy. But she would cheerfully wander the halls greeting people — “It felt a lot better….
This Is Your Mom on Drugs: Aging Doesn't Stop Drug Use
It’s the kind of tongue-in-cheek concept that might have percolated out of the subversive imagination of R. Crumb, underground cartoon chronicler of the 1960s. Grandma and Grandpa are passing the time in their rockers—and passing a joint back and forth as they recall their youthful marijuana-smoking days in Haight-Ashbury. In fact, according to three investigators….
Quit alcohol to lead a better life
Drinking alcohol has time and again proven to be hazardous for all. Several tragedies and unpleasant incidents can be credited to heavy drinking habits. Though it may seem difficult, the habit can be given up by following some simple and smart steps. Every Year, thousands die in alcohol-related tragedies – acute alcohol poisonings, car accidents,….
Cancer treatment-an insight of chemotherapy
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of body cells, which can be fatal at times. Cancer is considered as one of the most deadly diseases in the world resulting in the death of large number of people every year. Though cancer is fatal, cancer can be completely treated if detected at early stages. There is no….
Alcoholism among older people may be overlooked
As people age, they may tend to mix alcohol with prescription drugs. Disaster can ensue. Research suggests alcoholism among the elderly may not be diagnosed or is simply overlooked. Todd Wagner, clinical director at Blue Mountain Counseling in Dayton, said alcoholism among seniors is a growing problem, often going unnoticed. Maybe providers aren’t asking seniors….