Cumberland Mountain Comm Servs Board Substance Abuse Program
113 Cumberland Road
Cedar Bluff, VA 24609
(276) 964-6702
Who Answers?
113 Cumberland Road
Cedar Bluff, VA 24609
(276) 964-6702
According to an Australian researcher women recovering from alcoholism are in danger of relapsing between age 35 and 55 due to the increased pressure from family and work commitments. Ms Janice Withnall, who is three years into a PhD on the experiences of women who are recovering from alcohol dependency, says women are at a….
Nearly half of students at four-year colleges do it regularly (and, it’s not sex). Rather, it’s binge drinking — downing five or more alcoholic drinks at a sitting. “People have a hard time identifying alcohol as a drug,” said Jenny Hwang, associate dean of students and director of the counseling center at Stony Brook University….
Alcohol-related crime is much higher in communities where more people binge drink, and too many people binge drink in Inverell. That information has come from the initial findings of the Alcohol Action in Rural Communities (AARC) project. Close collaborations with members of the Inverell community and the AARC project have helped reveal that rural NSW….
It’s Been two years since a drop of alcohol last passed Neil Kimberlin’s lips. But despite his teetotal lifestyle the 58-year-old openly admits he is still is, and always will be, an alcoholic. At the height of his addiction Neil downed a whole litre of whisky every single day as well as drinking 14 pints….
It Tells You something about the novelty of a French debate about “le binge drinking” that an equivalent French term has yet to enter into common usage and that whenever the media broach it, they feel obliged first to explain to people what exactly it is. They’ve been doing a lot of explaining lately. According….
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