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Eating disorder
The mental state of an individual largely governs his social behavior, his physical health and also his overall personality. If an individual is not sound mentally then there are possibilities of him generating some kind of disorders or getting addicted to harmful things. Eating disorder is one of the many different disorders that are likely….
Medical Detox in Treatment Centers Reduces Dangers of Alcohol Detox
Alcohol is by far the most widely abused drug in the entire world. Socially accepted and legal throughout the world, alcohol is the preferred drug of choice for millions of people across the world which is no wonder why so many people suffer from alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, individuals who drink alcohol regularly are subject to….
Good news, bad news about teen drinking
Aaron Holsinger said he doesn’t like telling his tragic tale, but he really has no choice. Holsinger, now 28, was convicted of negligent homicide after his girlfriend, Gina Erickson, died in a 2001 drunken-driving accident. He was driving the car. He spent six months in jail, will be on probation until he is 41 and….
Adults no help to teenage drinkers
What would you do? A 16-year-old comes up to you and asks for a little help. He and his friends are bored and just want to have a little fun that night. He asks you to buy booze. Got a problem with that? The Pittsfield Prevention Partnership says you should, but not everyone does. And….
Benefits of Private Prescription Drug Treatment
When you are addicted to prescription medications, private drug treatment can be the most beneficial option to assure your greatest chance of making a full recovery. Unlike traditional treatment centers that may be funded by insurance coverage or state policy, private prescription drug treatment programs are privately funded and this allows for ample resources, better….