Choices Psychological Services
710 West 8th Street
Fort Scott, KS 66701
(620) 223-8590
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710 West 8th Street
Fort Scott, KS 66701
(620) 223-8590
Police say alcohol-fuelled violence is on the decline in bars and on city streets after the province introduced new liquor rules to discourage binge drinking. Provincial legislation launched last August prohibits happy hour specials after 8p.m., requires bars and pubs to charge a minimum drink price and forbids patrons from having more than two drinks….
Vancouver’s supervised drug injection site can save the Canadian health-care system as much as $20 million and substantially increase a population’s life span over a 10-year period, according to a study to be published today in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The study, which used a computer simulation model, measured the projected impacts on Vancouver….
Half of Britain’s young adults first got drunk before the age of 15, according to a study which warns that liver disease could become one of the biggest killers as a result of the country’s binge drinking culture. The survey, commissioned by the London Clinic in Harley Street, shows that 48 per cent of those….
Long-term drug treatment centers offer important advantages for patients receiving treatment for substance abuse, especially those with chronic or severe addiction. Long-term treatment differs from short-term treatment mainly in its duration, which may last from 60 days to over a year, depending on the needs of the patient. Below are five reasons to choose long-term….
During the holiday season many high school seniors sort out their college preferences and work on their college applications. If in the midst of that anxiety-producing process, students and parents ask college officials to comment on the culture of drinking and alcohol abuse on campus, they are likely to be assured that the school upholds….
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