Central Utah Counseling Center
255 South Main Street
Richfield, UT 84701
(435) 896-8236
Intake: (800) 742-9070
Who Answers?
255 South Main Street
Richfield, UT 84701
(435) 896-8236
Intake: (800) 742-9070
1. Alcohol Withdrawal Can Be Deadly. While some experience mild alcohol withdrawal, others go through “a severe form of alcohol withdrawal called delirium tremens” (NLM). Its symptoms can include seizures, hallucinations, and fever, and a person experiencing it should be taken to the hospital immediately. In treatment, these symptoms can be controlled. 2. It Can….
Cases of liver cancer have more than tripled in the past 30 years because of binge boozing. Startling figures from Cancer Research UK show the number of patients rocketed from 865 in 1975 to 3,108 in 2006. Experts say the rise in hard drinking is to blame as well as obesity and the blood infection….
Britain’s alcohol epidemic is being fuelled by stressed middle-class drinkers, it was revealed yesterday. As figures showed drink-related deaths more than doubling since the early 1990s, research also revealed that white- collar workers are more likely to consume alcohol every day than the working classes. Most admit their heaviest drinking is done at home, with….
Prescription painkiller abuse is a rapidly growing and widespread problem, recently coming into full view due to high profile stories and tragic celebrity deaths. Conflicting messaging and the degradation associated with addiction often mislead people from understanding it as a disease, caused by an imbalance of receptors in the brain. American Board of Addiction Medicine….
Amina is 35 years old. She is married and has six children. She is also addicted to heroin. A housewife from Herat Province in Afghanistan, Amina started using drugs at the age of 10, when she was working as a carpet weaver. The job was strenuous and her workmates advised her to use opium to….
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