Central Kansas Foundation McPherson
107 West Marlin Street
McPherson, KS 67460
(620) 241-5550
Hotline: (785) 825-6224
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107 West Marlin Street
McPherson, KS 67460
(620) 241-5550
Hotline: (785) 825-6224
Drinking or smoking heavily can speed up the development of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study. Scientists found that drinkers developed the disease almost five years earlier and heavy smokers just over two years earlier, after studying 938 people aged 60 or more who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Ranjan Duara, of the Mount….
Teenage drinking is such a health risk that pediatricians are now being told to screen all teenagers—and even sixth graders—for alcohol use. That new policy from the American Academy of Pediatrics can be a powerful tool for parents to help their children avoid trouble with alcohol. But first, parents need to learn to give teenagers….
A GROUP of psychiatrists has called for a complete ban on all alcohol advertising and sponsorship in Ireland. Irish teenagers spent €145 million in 2006 on alcohol, more than the entire annual spend on illegal drugs, according to psychiatrist Dr Bobby Smyth from the Irish College of Psychiatrists, a representative body for Irish psychiatrists. Dr….
Christian treatment centers have a high success rate at not only helping people come clean from their addictions but also helping them stay clean once a person leaves the treatment center. One of the main reasons why Christian based treatment centers are effective is because many people who join become firm believers in Jesus Christ….
Older alcoholics knock back far more than younger ones, and for those over 60 that means an average of 42.5 drinks every week, a US study released found today. The research, led by Linda Ginzer of Ohio State University and carried out in late November by the Gerontology Society of America, examined data from 43,000….
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