Central Kansas Foundation Junction City
839 North Eisenhower Drive
Junction City, KS 66441
(785) 762-3700
Intake: (785) 764-3700
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839 North Eisenhower Drive
Junction City, KS 66441
(785) 762-3700
Intake: (785) 764-3700
Thousands of teenagers had a total of 5,171 litres of alcohol confiscated in a summer crackdown on binge drinking, the government has said. As part of a £1.4m campaign, more than 3,500 youngsters in 69 “priority areas” of England were stopped between July and September. Also, more than 1,800 parents were informed and more than….
When Saratoga County sheriff’s deputies broke up an underage drinking party in Ballston last month and charged 22 area teens with possession of alcohol, reactions varied. Some thought the kids got a bum deal. Many, however, agreed the community as a whole needs to remain proactive in stemming teen drinking. Statistics show youths are starting….
Underage drinking is one of the problematic issues constantly associated with adolescence. Eshe Nelson, 17, speaks to her peers and gives their perspective on the debate as well as her own. Everyone knows that drinking alcohol under 18 is illegal, and just as many of us know that it’s a law liberally broken. Because of….
Giving the Alcoholic Person a Successful Start on the Twelve-Step Road of Recovery Since 1977 The New Direction Alcohol Rehabilitation in New York The New Direction was founded in 1977 by Matt and Margaret Batson under the premise that people who make a commitment to A.A. tend to stay sober. Since the doors of the….
Alcoholics Anonymous helps local man find sobriety, happiness Tom has been sober for 27 years, but the road to recovery was far from easy. “It’s still one day at a time,” he said. “The only person that can say you’re an alcoholic is the person themselves.” Every day is a struggle. “I will always been….
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