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‘I have to walk forward to keep where I am’
Every day starts at step one. I am powerless over alcohol. With alcohol my life is unmanageable. For 23 years, Randy has begun his day with the first step of Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 Step Program. “I always know I am one moment and one drink away from where I was,” Randy said. Randy took his….
Parents, don’t help your babies grow up to be drunkards
Don’t help your babies grow up to be drunkards. It’s a message that some parents should take to heart, especially in hard-drinking Bay County, where teens apparently have easy access to alcohol. Because it’s sometimes provided by parents. In fact, wrong-headed adults are hosting parties at their houses for kids to consume alcohol in a….
Warning signs of eating disorder
Eating disorder is largely related to the psychological disturbances that occur in a person. There are two main categories of eating disorder namely, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The people with anorexia nervosa are very much concerned about their looks and carry a fear of weight gain thus avoiding intake of food. On the contrary,….
Let’s be honest about alcohol

Like a stereotypical drunk searching in vain for a bottle that’s around here somewhere, it turns out that many Canadians have a hard time understanding exactly what happened to the liquor that they bought. A new study for the University of Victoria’s Centre for Addictions Research, based on a national telephone survey of 13,909 people,….
Addiction Advances Haven’t Made AA Obsolete

Although they approach the challenge of addiction differently from scientists, 12-step programs still have a therapeutic role in helping human beings. Alcoholics Anonymous may have pioneered the concept of alcoholism as a disease, but will scientific research that proves the point eventually make AA obsolete? Studies that reveal brain and genetic links to addiction seem….