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New Research on the "European" Approach to Teenage Drinking
Should parents allow their teenage children to drink alcohol? Restaurants in Germany can legally sell alcohol to a teenager after his sixteenth birthday, and French children drink wine with dinner in the home starting at an early age. But U.S. parents who try to follow this relaxed European example, believing it fosters a healthier attitude….
Sight damaged by too much beer
Knocking back four beers a day doesn’t just risk a serious beer gut – it could also be damaging your eyesight, a study of Australian men has found. Melbourne research shows men in their 60s who drink alcohol heavily are about six times more likely to develop the most debilitating form of age-related macular degeneration….
Drink misuse ‘costs each Scot GBP900’
The impact of Scotland’s drink culture on the health service was laid bare yesterday when it emerged that the cost of treating only one person with a moderately severe alcohol-related head injury is more than £34,000. The extraordinary figure was released by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Scotland’s biggest health board. The sum covers only….
Choosing a treatment program for cancer
Cancer is a fatal disease. The number of deaths around the globe due to cancer is at a larger scale. Any treatment for cancer aims at destroying the cancer cells and as far as possible prevents its re-occurring. It is the responsibility of your doctor, to help you understand the various treatment programs available. In….
Alcohol Dependency Treatment
Alcohol dependency is characterized by a physical need to use alcohol in order to function or feel good. For the patient, there are two primary forms of alcohol dependency which include medical treatment and psychological treatment. Both methods of treatment must be used in order to effectively overcome alcohol dependency and provide the greatest possible….